Summary on "The Double Edge of Globalization" (Final draft)

In The Double Edge of Globalization, Chanda(2007) explains the positive and negative impacts of globalization on the environment and how these impacts affect the world. Intensified trade among the countries is mainly caused by globalization. The high demand for resources leads to severe pollution and extensive deforestation. Consequently, this results in global warming, which affects the world economy and social instability. Despite this alarming concern, the world has failed to encourage people to protect the environment and plant more trees.  Natural disasters happened more often in the past few years and many people were forced to leave their hometown. The root cause of such phenomenons is due to the unwillingness of people. However, the positive impact of globalization is that it allows people to get such information quickly and easily,  so that they will respond to it immediately and be more aware of the environmental issues.

word count: 146


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