Blog post 4: Final reflection on learning

Communication skills are so important in our daily life. I am so glad that I chose ES20007 - professional communication this module in this semester. I still remembered when I first time walked in to the class,  Madam Radhika asked me that why did I choose this module and I replied that it is a core module for me, which I have to finish this module in my four year of university education.

As the time moves on, I realized that there are so many things I can learn from it. The first major assignment for us was the peer-teaching. We had to teach the entire class how to design survey questions. I am not in favor of presentation because of the language barrier. However, I also understand that be a quiet man will not be a successful man in today’s world. I appreciated Madam Radhika’s encouragement even though I did not do very well.  

Besides that, I also learned non-verbal communication. Human being is a brilliant creature, even someone did not talk, but by just looking at that person’s body language, facial expression, standing posture, many information could be obtained from those things. Next thing I learned is how to apply jobs and prepare for the job interviews, which are the most important for us. After 3 or 4 years of university education, many of us are going to enter the society and the first thing we will do is applying a job. The last peer-teaching group did a presentation on job interview just before my internship interview. I would like to say that I was so lucky on that day because I really learn a lot of things from that presentation. So, I managed to get that internship opportunity after the interview.

Another takeaway from this course is writing a proposal. I believe that in the future, we will definitely use this skills very frequently. We also did another round of presentation based on our proposal and the main difference between this one and the previous one is the targeted audiences. As a result, the style of presentation differs notably. For this presentation, I thought I did better than the last one as I was more prepared, more confident. Although there are still some little flaws, no man is infallible. One of the ways to further improve myself is learning from mistakes.

All in all, I really like this modules and I would like to thank Madam Radhika for being with us for 12 weeks, giving us so much precious and helpful advice. Moreover, I would like to thank my dear teammates, Tony, Shuwen and Nigel. It is my pleasure to work with you as a team. For the rest of class, it is my honor to be with you together. We had a lot fun in the class. For those who are graduating soon, wish you could find a good job; for the rest, hope to see you around the campus.


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