Evaluating Intercultural Behaviour

Intercultural communication plays a more and important role in today’s world. The world nowadays is characterized by an ever growing number of contacts resulting in communication between people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This form of communication takes place everywhere because of contacts within the areas of business, military cooperation, science, education, entertainment, tourism, etc. In all these contacts, there is communication which needs to be as constructive as possible, without misunderstandings and breakdowns. It is our belief that research on the nature of linguistic and cultural similarities and differences here can play a positive and constructive role.
Singapore is one of the places where many different people with different linguistic and cultural background are gathering together. There are mainly three groups of people: Chinese, Malay and Indian. Due to the cultural differences, the conflicts between the different groups are inevitable, but such situation can be improved if people know each of the cultures well. For instance, do not eat food or pass objects with your left hand in front of Indians, because the left hand is considered to be unclean in India as it is used to perform matters associated with going to the restroom. So, people should avoid using their left hand if there are Indians around, otherwise, they may consider you are disrespectful and rude to them.
It is also normal to see that people from same or similar culture, they are easier to become friends. For example, at NUS, it is common to see a group of Indians, Chinese or Singaporeans sitting together to communicate with each other. This is because for each of the group, they share a common language and culture. The Chinese students speak Chinese mandarin; the Indians speak their language and the Singaporean, they speak “Singalish”.
By the above examples, it is evident that culture and language play a crucial role when people communicate to each other. Under such circumstance, having a good intercultural communication skill is necessary. It is always good to know both your own and your opponent’s culture, values and behavioural code. As “The Art of War by Master Sun” stated, by knowing self and the enemy, you are able to win all the battles. I believe this also apply to here, by doing so, you would not only avoid unnecessary conflicts, but also gain the good impression from the other party.
All in all, communication is not as simple as people thought especially when communicating with people who has different culture. On the other hand, it is also not too difficult to deal with it. I always believe that being respectful to others will never worsen the relationships, but of course, with knowing each other linguistic and cultural background will be the bonus. 


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