

最近在看新闻的时候,看到这么一则新闻,我想和大家分享一下以及谈谈自己对这几则新闻的看法。 是一篇关于马云。“马爸爸”的阿里巴巴真的是做的越来越好了,淘宝,支付宝,让我们的生活都变得便利了许多。就那我爸妈说,以前买东西他们都会去商场了逛逛。现在想到什么,第一反应就是淘宝。为什么?因为淘宝上的东西便宜,质量也不错,关键是还能帮你送到家。然而,在这则新闻里,马云说了这么一句话,“以前我看不起商人,现在我看不起老师”。马云认为,随着科技在不断地变化,我们的生活质量有了改善,但是,老师教的东西却是一成不变的。然后这则新闻底下我就看到有许多人评论,都在抱怨老师,说老师现在在学校都不教课不教重点,想要学重点,就上补习班。 对于老师教的东西一成不变,我是这么认为的。其实从我们上学到工作,真正学习,是大学的四年,甚至可以说,研究生之前的学习其实都是打基础。幼儿园,我们其实是在学一些生活上最基础的技能以及和朋友之间的相处。从幼儿园开始,我们知道自己有了所谓的朋友,好朋友等等。小学,初中,高中,可以说是在为你的将来打基础。从最开始的加减乘除,到后来的微积分。我想说的是这些所谓的基础,其实能改变的不多。什么叫基础,就是最基本的东西。只有把这些学好了,你才有可能在大学里面或者工作上有一个更好的平台。这里,我并不知道马云所说的“不要几年都教一样的东西”是指哪个阶段?如果是指幼儿园到高中这段时间,我想问问马云,如果是你,你会怎么改变?更何况,中国有中考,高考,如果老师教不同的东西,那意味着每年的考试将会不一样。大学,可以说是进入社会的第一步,因为从这里,你开始有选择,选择自己以后要走的路。从我本身的经历来说,我很负责的说,大学里学的东西并不是像马云说的,几年都教的一样。我是学计算机专业的,大一大二,同样的对我来说,算是打基础,只有基础打好了,你才能做你想做的。我们就学了基础编程,像C,C++语言。然而大三大四,随着科技的进步,我们学的东西也不一样。我们这届学的内容和前几届就不同。教授老师们,会根据科技的发展来改变教学的内容。 其实说到变化,那也是要分情况的。有的东西是需要变化,而有的东西是不需要变化的。科技,因为人们对科技的追求,希望更快更好更方便,才有这个动力去不停地改变,也只有一直变化,才能赚到更多的钱。作为一个商人,不想着赚钱的商人不是一个成功的商人,而马云更是一个做科技的商人...

Blog post 4: Final reflection on learning

Communication skills are so important in our daily life. I am so glad that I chose ES20007 - professional communication this module in this semester. I still remembered when I first time walked in to the class,  Madam Radhika asked me that why did I choose this module and I replied that it is a core module for me, which I have to finish this module in my four year of university education. As the time moves on, I realized that there are so many things I can learn from it. The first major assignment for us was the peer-teaching. We had to teach the entire class how to design survey questions. I am not in favor of presentation because of the language barrier. However, I also understand that be a quiet man will not be a successful man in today’s world. I appreciated Madam Radhika’s encouragement even though I did not do very well.   Besides that, I also learned non-verbal communication. Human being is a brilliant creature, even someone did not talk, but by just looking a...

Blog post 3: Reflection on Project Proposal

Our project is on the treatment of migrant construction workers in Singapore. We focus on three groups of people, Chinese, Bangladeshi and Indian. This is because we found that these three groups of people are the majority of the migrant construction workers. First of all, I would like to talk about the challenges we faced during the whole process. The first challenge we faced was the topics. Through brain storm, we came out with many topics such as obesity among the teenagers, electronic waste in Singapore and so on. After long period of time, we finally decided to do the treatment of migrant workers in Singapore. Although we decided the topic, there are too many things in this topic. So next challenge we faced was to narrow down the scope. As we know, a lot of things can be discussed for the treatment of migrant workers. In the end, through secondary research, we picked up the three major problems, which migrant workers are facing currently and we decided only focus on the constr...

Evaluating Intercultural Behaviour

Intercultural communication plays a more and important role in today’s world. The world nowadays is characterized by an ever growing number of contacts resulting in communication between people with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This form of communication takes place everywhere because of contacts within the areas of business, military cooperation, science, education, entertainment, tourism, etc. In all these contacts, there is communication which needs to be as constructive as possible, without misunderstandings and breakdowns. It is our belief that research on the nature of linguistic and cultural similarities and differences here can play a positive and constructive role. Singapore is one of the places where many different people with different linguistic and cultural background are gathering together. There are mainly three groups of people: Chinese, Malay and Indian. Due to the cultural differences, the conflicts between the different groups are inevitable, b...

Resolving interpersonal conflict

Communication skill is one of the most important skills in our daily life. Everyday, we have to meet and talk to different people, it is inevitable that interpersonal conflict would happen due to different personalities, values or personal perspectives. However, there are ways to avoid such conflict or minimize the effect of it. Usually a person with high EQ (Emotional Quotient) would not easily have interpersonal conflict with others. Therefore, one way to resolve interpersonal conflict is to improve EQ. EQ represents an ability to validly reason with emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought. Businessmen and political leaders, they usually have relative high EQ compare to the normal people. There is a reason for them to be a leader or successful businessman. With high EQ, they hardly have conflict with other people. There are many ways to improve EQ, and the most crucial one is practicing communication skills.  For example, when  Diplomatic officials from di...

Critical Reflection: The next stage for my learning

13 weeks is not very short, but time flies very fast. Being in ES1102 with Brad for almost 13 weeks in the classroom and that period of time was really enjoyable. However, all good thing come to an end, and the only thing we can do is that we are able to apply what we have learnt into our future works. During this period of time, I have a better idea of how to write a proper academic writing, for example, making a good thesis statement, bringing the points to the reality and using APA style to verify our stand in the essay. Thought this module is coming to the end, that does not mean that the learning of English is also coming to the end. Throughout this course, my grammar, sentence structure paraphrasing skill improved tremendously, but I will not stop the journey of learning English just because I know I am still not good enough. As a computer engineering student, the next two and half year I will be busy with coding and electrical circuits, but I plan to find some time ...

Essay (Final draft)

Reducing E-waste: Suggestions for Guiyu, China The population size of China was 1.344 billion in 2012; 1.155 billion mobile-phones were sold in China in that year (“Global mobile statistics 2013”). A simple calculation shows that 85.9% of the entire population own the mobile-phones. This number convincingly illustrates that the proliferation of the technology is unprecedented in today’s world. It is also undeniable that such technology has provided great convenience to the people. Meanwhile, millions of tons of electronic wastes are generated. People nowadays change their mobile-phone more frequently as they possess more purchasing power compares to the past. This further deteriorate the environmental pollution and human health issues. Therefore, the Chinese government needs to take some actions to ameliorate such conditions. Wastson (2013), stated that according to United Nations’ data, about 70% of electronic wastes globally generated ended up in China. He explained that G...